Promenade on Poyntz


The 2025 Promenade on Poyntz will be held on Thursday, April 24th from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. where featured downtown businesses will open their doors to serve as ‘stops’ along the Promenade path as participants stroll around Poyntz Avenue sampling a variety of food and drink.

Each business will choose what type of beverage will be sampled at their location! Either a red and white wine, beer or a spirited cocktail will be paired with complimenting appetizers.

Event check-in begins at 6:00 p.m. Ticket purchasers will receive a wine glass, tasting plate and a Promenade map when they check in.

The Promenade on Poyntz is an annual fundraiser for the Good Shepherd Foundation sponsored by Standard Beverage Corporation.

Get your tickets today and we’ll see you at the Promenade!

Tickets on Sale March 13thSPONSOR EVENT

Promenade Venues


We look forward to featuring the following businesses at the 2024 Promenade on Poyntz.

The Promenade would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors!

Standard Beverage
Founding Sponsor

Carolyn Arand

Print Design Sponsor

Wine Glass Sponsor
Tasting Plate Sponsor
Wine Glass Sponsor

Promenade Pictures


Here are just a few pictures of our guests, volunteers and businesses from previous Promenade on Poyntz events, we look forward to having you join us this year!

Purchase Tickets


We look forward to seeing you at the 2024 Promenade!